martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Unit 6. Wrap -up.

Vocabulary._ Describe the clothes and shoes.

  1. Those shoes are beautiful.
  2. That tie is nice.
  3. These jeans are perfect.
  4.  This skirt is cute.


 Ask your partner quiestions about the picture.

  • Do you like those blue bots?
      No, I don´t like.

  • Do you like that  skirt?
      Yes, I do.

  • Do you like this  blue dress?
      Yes, I like this blue dress.

Social language._ Create conversations for the people.

A: Let's go shopping.
B: OK. What do you need?
A: A new shoes.

A: I like that sweater.
B: Thank you
A: You're welcome.

A: Do you these pants?
B: No, i don't. it's really ugly.
A: And do you like this tie?
B Yes, I think it's very pretty.

Unit 5. Wrap- Up

Vocabulary._ Name de events.

  • A speech.
  • A basktball game.
  • A concert.
  • A party.

Grammar._ Write sentences whit There's a...
  • There's a speech on Friday, at 2:00
  • There's a basketball game on Friday on 12 21st Street.
  • There's a concert on Tuesday at 8:30 p.m on Gemini Stadium.
  • There's a party on Saturday at 9:30 p.m on 58 post Street.

Social language._ Create conversation for the people about the times and days of the events.

A:  What time is the speech?
B: 2:00 p.m
C: Hoo. Is to late.
A: Yes, you late. It's a quarter to three.
B: A quarter to three?
A: That's right.

A: There's a concert on Tuesday. Would you like to go?
B: Sounds great. What time?
A: Half past eight.
B: Ok. Let's meet a quarter after eight.

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Unit 3. Wrap-up.

Vocabulary._  Name the places in the town.

  1. A mall.
  2. A bank.
  3. A newstand.
  4. A bookstore.
  5. A post office.
  6. A travel agency.
  7. A bus station.
  8. A museum.
  9. A train station.
  10. A convenience store.
  11. A resturant.
  12. A park.

Grammar._ Make statements about locations.

  • The city mall is in Mason street.
  • The unibank is across from the post office.
  • The convenience store is down the street from paradaise travel.
  • The park is next to the restaurant.
  • The train station is around the corner from park Museum.

Social lenguage. Ask for directions.

A._ Excuse me. How do I get to the Bookstore?
B._ The bookstore?. Down the street. Around the corner on Mason street and walk one block.
A._ Thanks!!
B._ No problem.

Unit 2. Wrap-Up

Vocabulary._  Points and name the relationships.

  • Jose is Isabelle boss.
  • Allie Cruz is supervisor Cintya.
  • Sabine and Sonia are friends.
  • Rebeca is sister Raul.
  • Raul is neighbor Lola.

Grammar._ Write sentences about the picture.
  • He is her boss.
  • She is her supervisor.
  • This is my friend Sonia.
  • She is his sister.
  • He is her neighbor.
  • She is my colleague.

Social Languege._ Create aconversations for the people.

 Mr. Jose:  What's your last first name, please?
Mrs.Cyrus: Isabelle.
Mr. Jose: And your last name?
Mrs.Cyrus:  My last name? Cyrus.
Mr. Jose: Thank you, Mrs.Cyrus.
Mrs.Cyrus: You're welcome.

Raul: Rebeca, this is Lola. Lola's my neighbor.
Rebeca: Hi, Lola.
Lola: Hi, Rebeca. Nice to meet you.
Rebeca: Nice to meet you, too.

Sabine: What's your phone number?
Sonia: 1090312.

Sabine: 1090312?
Sonia: That's right.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Unit 6. Lesson 3. Page 49.

Talk about shopping for clothes.

A: Let's go shopping.
B: OK. What do you want?
A: I want a white shoes.
B: Is that all?
A: Yes, it is. Oh, actually I need a tie too.

A: Let's go shopping.
B: OK. What do you need?
A: I need a red suit and a yellow sweater.
B: Is that all?
A: Yes, it is.

A: Let's go shopping.
B: OK. What do you want?
A: I want two pants and two jackets.
B: Is that all?
A: Yes, it is. Oh, actually I need a socks too.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Unit 6. Lesson 2. Page 47.

Compare opinions about the clothes.

A: Do you like this shirt?
B: Yes, I do.
A: And do you like these shoes?
B: No, I don't.

A: Do you like those pants?
B:  No, I don't.
A: And do you like that blouse?
B: Yes, I do. Do you?
A: Actually, I think is very nice.

A: Do you like that dress?
B: Yes, I do.
A: And do you like this skirt?
B: Yes, I do. Is very nice